Painting for Jesus

My whole family got sick this past week and it was not fun. I'm so grateful for a friend from church who made us a huge pot of chicken soup and we are all on the mend now. I'm telling you this because I missed going live for my Paint and Pray-Along altogether last week which was a bummer as I so enjoy getting a little creativity in along with anyone who wants to join me.

While I was pondering what to paint last week, I sketched an idea in my prayer journal and was looking forward to painting it last week but the cold/flu really zapped my energy. As I'm getting ready to go live today (Monday the 15th) I'm dreaming about all the beautiful colors to use in this worshipful painting.

As a believer and follower of Jesus Christ, I am always praying that God will help me do everything as if I am doing it for Jesus. That includes painting. I want my painting to be an act of worship and praise, a prayerful expression, and a time to tap into the creativity God provides. The phrase, "painting for Jesus" came to mind as I was sketching this idea for the next painting.

If you don't paint, there are hundreds of things you do and I'm guessing that you could choose one of them and consider how you could do it "as unto the Lord". Here is a fun challenge for the week. See if you can choose one thing that you do, and set aside some time to do it with the intention of doing if for Jesus. Maybe you will do the dishes "for Jesus" or cook a meal "for Jesus" . . . the ideas are endless.

Here is the verse that is inspiring this article: "Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve." Colossians 3:23-24

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